Abstracts should be no more than 300 word and include the name, email contact and affiliation of the author(s). 3-5 key-words are required. Abstracts should be submitted both in English and in the language that you choose to present your communication in. Those rules apply both to oral presentations and posters. Download template here.
A short (with a maximum of 600 characters) is also required, both in English and in the language that you choose to present your communication in.
For paper submission: waysofmaking2018@gmail.com
The Colloquium’s official languages are Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.
Each speaker shall have up to 20 minutes to present his/her paper.
The posters will be in a vertical A0 format.
Key-note lectures, discussions and round table shall be recorded and made available in digital format at a later date – under condition of participants’ consent.
The texts that will result from oral presentations and posters shall be peer-reviewed and published in e-book format in the future.
Abstract Deadline: 30th of May, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: 30th of June, 2018